Porsche Leather Dye
The colour swatches included below are purely for indication purposes only. It is important to identify the name of the leather colour before placing an order.
Porsche - achatgrau
Porsche - acidgrün
Porsche - agave grün
Porsche - anthrazit
Porsche - ascotbraun natur Zweitonleder
Porsche - atacamabeige
Porsche - barriquerot
Porsche - basaltschwarz
Porsche - bernsteinorange
Porsche - blau (911 SC-Turbo Mod.78)
Porsche - blauschwarz
Porsche - bordeauxrot
Porsche - boxsterrot 1224
Porsche - braun natur - naturbraun
Porsche - brombeer
Porsche - burgundrot
Porsche - can-can- scarlettrot
Porsche - carrara grau
Porsche - carraraweiß
Porsche - carrerarot
Porsche - cedargrün 1223
Porsche - champagner
Porsche - classicgrau-klassikgrau 1215
Porsche - cocoa ( Kein 2 Ton) ab Bj. 2010
Porsche - cocoa Zweitonleder vor Bj. 2010
Porsche - cognac
Porsche - cohibabraun
Porsche - crema - creme
Porsche - dunkelgrau-natur 1231
Porsche - espresso - espressobraun
Porsche - ferrarigelb
Porsche - flamencorot 1222
Porsche - giottograu (W23)
Porsche - graffitigrau 1226
Porsche - granatrot
Porsche - granit grün
Porsche - graphitblau
Porsche - graugrün
Porsche - havanna 1237
Porsche - himbeerrot
Porsche - indischrot
Porsche - island grün
Porsche - kalkbeige
Porsche - kaschmirbeige 1241
Porsche - kastanienbraun
Porsche - kastanienbraun natur
Porsche - kieselgrau 1253
Porsche - klassikgrau-classicgrau 1215
Porsche - kobaltblau 1205
Porsche - kork
Porsche - kreide
Porsche - kristallgrau
Porsche - lea navy
Porsche - lea so ebony
Porsche - lea so perlino
Porsche - lea so sequoia green
Porsche - Lea tiefes Granat
Porsche - leinen
Porsche - lichtgrau 1218
Porsche - lime gold
Porsche - lipstickrot
Porsche - luxorbeige
Porsche - magenta 1211
Porsche - magnolia
Porsche - mahagoni
Porsche - mambagrün
Porsche - marine - marineblau
Porsche - maritimblau
Porsche - marmorgrau 1221
Porsche - marsalabraun
Porsche - marsalarot
Porsche - matador - matadorrot 2-Ton
Porsche - merantinbraun
Porsche - metropolblau 1229
Porsche - mojave
Porsche - moosgrün
Porsche - nachtblau
Porsche - nachtgrün
Porsche - naturbraun - braun natur
Porsche - naturgrau
Porsche - nephritegrün
Porsche - orange
Porsche - palmgrau
Porsche - palmgrün
Porsche - perl weiß
Porsche - perlgrau
Porsche - piniengrün
Porsche - platingrau
Porsche - provence blau
Porsche - purebeige
Porsche - riviera blau
Porsche - rotbraun
Porsche - rubicongrau
Porsche - samtrot
Porsche - sandbeige 1233
Porsche - sattelbraun
Porsche - savannabeige 1227
Porsche - schiefer
Porsche - schiefergrau
Porsche - schwarz
This colour is identical to our standard colour F034, without special colour surcharge.Porsche - seeblau 1238 (please send custom sample in case of imitation leather)
Porsche - seidengrau
Porsche - sherwood green
Porsche - silberblau-metallic
Porsche - so caraway
Porsche - so light cloud
Porsche - sonnenbeige
Porsche - spacegrau
Porsche - speedblau
Porsche - speedgelb
Porsche - split lea deep garnet
Porsche - stahlgrau 1234
Porsche - steingrau 1235
Porsche - tarpanbraun
Porsche - tartufo hell
Porsche - terracotta 1240
Porsche - titanblau
Porsche - trüffelbraun
Porsche - umbra
Porsche - veneziablau
Porsche - weinrot
Porsche - wimbledongrün
Porsche - yachtingblau
Porsche - zeder
Porsche - zimtbraun 1232
Roughly 5 hides of leather are used in a Porsche 911 interior. Most Porsche’s have a fair amount of interior covered with leather. On average 3/4 of the interior in a Porsche Carrera is covered in leather and about 1/4 in a Porsche Boxster. Our Leather Dyes are also suitable for application on Vinyl & plastic interior parts of Porsche. Below is a list of Porsche leather samples that we have collected over the years and they are all original leather samples obtained directly from the manufacturers or sent in by customers.
Our standard ‘Black Leather Dye - F034’ is a good match for Black Porsche interiors and hence no additional colour mixing charge will be applicable. All Porsche Leather Dyes are mixed to order and as per the leather sample we have in our collection. An additional colour mixing charge of $29.00 will be added in such cases.
How to find the name of the leather colour?
Option 1 - Let us do it for you!
Just send us a quick email with your Car Registration Number and VIN/Chassis Number with all your contact details and we will get back to you within 24 hours!
Option 2 - Speak to your local dealership or by checking details on your car build sheet. Please consult your car dealer by taking the vehicle identification number as a reference and ask them for the colour name (no numerical code).